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Sustainability Requirements from Advanced Manufacturing Technology Viewpoints


While global high-tech industries continue to grow and technologies keep developing in recent years, the term “Sustainability” has become very popular but challenging. In other words, sustainable manufacturing is something more than “nice to have”, instead, it’s now a “must” to do and to communicate with outside world carefully.

In Taiwan, many people are aware that high-tech industries have been supporting local economy strongly for decades, but also confused by various public information that the industries may not only use more electricity and water as well as cause serious environmental pollutions, including air emissions, water effluents and waste disposals. Stakeholder voices need to be listened and handled.

On the other hand, safe and healthy workplace has also become a factor while young generation choosing their new jobs. Working in factories is no longer their first option. That means, high-tech industries need to struggle for attracting talents against other industries currently. But unfortunately, also due to high-tech industries use more and more highly hazardous chemical materials in their processes, and the image of requiring long working hours in the past, especially semiconductor fabs. In order to well handle this issue, most of companies are putting efforts to develop S&H technologies and cumulate effective practices.
I will demonstrate what are happening on this topic and try to propose solutions within personal limited knowledge.