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Atomic Level Precision Materials Engineering
The continuous drive in Logic and Memory applications to aggressive new technologies has been significantly increasing demands on precision materials engineering in the semiconductor industry.  The formation and removal of films has increasingly strict requirements of conformality, uniformity, thermal budget, loading, damage, etc. that has moved engineering the deposition and removal of these materials to the atomic level.  A method to greatly reduce the temperature needs of Atomic Layer Deposition will be discussed, addressing the issues typically encountered with the exposure time and temperature.  Additionally unique methods will be described that enables this as well as the ability to run incompatible chemistries on the same processing equipment, integrating multiple capabilities required for advanced deposition.  In atomic level film removal damage in remaining materials is becoming a serious issue, and paths now exist to very low and even no ion energies providing enhanced capability to reduce this damage along with improved loading, high selectivity, uniformity of removal, etc.  The intent of this paper is to discuss certain new paths advancing the atomic level deposition and removal of films for the semiconductor industry.